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business coach helping entrepreneur

The Business Coaching Process in 4 Easy Steps

Like your business, the business coaching process is organized and focuses on the essentials. No party wants to waste time doing activities and exercises that don’t have value. Understanding the process before you begin undertaking the sometimes-difficult task of growing as a business owner can help create a sense of accountability and ownership over your own business coaching experience.


During this phase of the business coaching process, your business coach will spend time getting to know you and getting to your industry. Without this crucial background information, it would be difficult to customize the coaching experience to fit your particular set of needs. The coach may ask questions such as, “What are the problems that this business owner is facing,” or “What is the typical way in which this client responds to a stressful situation.” Once those answers have been determined, a custom process can be crafted for you.

Creating a Contract

Both parties will want to come to a consensus about what the expectations are and who will be participating in the business coaching process. You will settle on the role of the participants, the time span of the contract, and what outcomes are expected at the end of it.

Beginning Your Sessions

During your coaching sessions, you’ll work on skills that will help you function better in the business you’re in. Coaches don’t always focus on teaching new skills. In most cases, the real goal is honing the natural skills that the client already has. By playing to their strengths and finding ways to work with what is already available, business coaches see great results from those who are willing to put in the time and effort with fidelity. There’s simply too much to cover about what goes into the sessions in the article, but keep your eye out next week for our first in our series on coaching topics.

Wrapping Up

At the end of the process, you will be able to evaluate how far you’ve come compared to where you started from. Using the data from the beginning of the relationship with your coach, you can think critically about what you’ve learned and how you will maintain accountability for yourself and your employees. This is perhaps the most critical piece of the business coaching process because it requires buy-in from the one being coached and the people who will continue to work under them following the end of their sessions.

Keye Strategies is excited to help business leaders become the best versions of themselves. With experience and finesse, Julie Keyes has been helping business owners create solid working plans for their business for over 30 years.

Work with one of the best business coaches Saint Paul can offer.

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Picture of Julie Keyes
Julie Keyes

Founder & Owner at KeyeStrategies, LLC

Julie is a Certified Exit Planning Adviser and Value Growth Advisor with 30+ years of experience. She works with business owners who seek to understand and maximize their exit and critical transition options.