Advisors Learn How to Integrate Exit Planning Services Today!


Business Exit Planning Resources

Selling your business is a significant milestone in your life. Julie and the Keyes team are here to help you plan your exit strategy with written and recorded resources. Download our Exit Planning Starter Kit, read Julie’s latest blog posts, stay up-to-date with the latest news, and catch up on missed Poised For Exit podcasts, as well as other podcasts that Julie guest hosted. 


Available downloads like the Keyes Consulting Exit Planning Starter Kit, the Value Acceleration Process Overview document, and the Preparing Your Business for Transition ebook can act as an exit strategy business plan template for business owners looking to start their own company exit strategy.


Find blog articles written by Julie with helpful tips and insights that will kickstart the process towards preparing your business for exit. You’ll find business transition resources, advice on developing an exit strategy, and more.

News and Media

Review your business exit plan and explore exit strategy articles about Julie and her advisor services. You’ll also find a list of podcasts she has guest hosted with topics like generating value for a strong exit.

Featured Videos

Browse featured videos from Julie’s various speaking engagements and her YouTube channel. Here you’ll find curated exit planning content from subject matter expert, Julie Keyes.

Let’s Talk Strategy

Interested in learning more about the business exit planning process? Let’s set up a brief 20 minute call to see if the time is right. Selling your business is one of the biggest financial decisions of your life, and I don’t take that lightly. Include your best phone number, time and day to reach you, your email, and tell me a few things about yourself. We’ll explore the possibilities for the future transition of your business.