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The 5 Business Development Skills That Every Team Needs

In the world of business, teamwork is often necessary to conquer special projects, looming deadlines, and innovative ideas. From the time of the first civilization, a good team meant that more could get done in a shorter amount of time. The same must apply to your business development team. They will be responsible for fielding prospects for the business, as well as garnering positive relationships with potential clients and investors. They have a lot of responsibility on their hands, and without these business development skills, they may find themselves failing:


Your business development team must be adept at both compromise and negotiation. Teams that can find the “sweet spot” between being too generous and being not generous enough are going to find that their clients and investors are more satisfied, and thus, more likely to put resources back into your company.

Quick Thinking

One of the most important business development skills that your team needs to possess is the ability to think on their feet. Business relationships aren’t always smooth sailing, and the ability to quickly adapt to a rapidly changing relationship, climate, or situation is a coveted skill for many.


If every business was the same, no one would stand out. Innovation drives competition. If you want your business to stand out from the crowd, your business development team needs to be innovative and creative in their approach to maintaining positive relationships and building up your business. They should be constantly seeking fresh new ways to draw clients in, while assuring that long-time clients feel rewarded for their loyalty.


It seems obvious, but your business management team needs to have a solid knowledge of the business world. Without knowledge to back up their creativity and innovation, the team won’t get very far. A team can gain knowledge through experience, but it can also be gained through college courses, speaking with mentors, and attending conferences.


Perhaps the single most important business development skill is the ability to collaborate and work with a team. Teamwork allows for shortcomings that are supported by other members who have the skill. For example, pairing together someone with the business knowledge and someone creative will allow them to come together to create an excellent product of result. In this case, it’s not necessarily a negative thing that both parties don’t possess both skills. They are able to support each other and find success through that support.

If you’re an aspiring or current business manager who fears that you don’t have the skills that it takes to succeed, rest easy. Keye Strategies can help you develop and hone the qualities that you’re searching for. Contact Julie today to get started on the road to becoming a better business manager and a better version of yourself.

Work with one of the best business coaches Saint Paul can offer.

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Picture of Julie Keyes
Julie Keyes

Founder & Owner at KeyeStrategies, LLC

Julie is a Certified Exit Planning Adviser and Value Growth Advisor with 30+ years of experience. She works with business owners who seek to understand and maximize their exit and critical transition options.