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Succession & Exit Planning Speaking Events

Exit Planning & Building Business Value Speaking Events for Real-World Experience

Upcoming Events Calendar

  • May 7,  9:00 AM CT –  Exit Planning for Advisors Cohort | RBC Start Date
  • May 7,  5:00 PM CT –  Midwest Business Brokers and Intermediaries 
  • June 7,  9:00 AM CT –  Exit Planning for Advisors Cohort | Register Here
  • June 18, 11:00 AM CT  – Exit Planning for Advisors Program Register Here
  • September 24, 9:00 AM CT  – Exit Planning for Advisors Program Register Here

Expert Business Advisor for Exit Planning & Value Growth

In the corporate world, as in real life, no one is perfect. No one is always a success. Everyone in all levels of business, including leadership, can benefit, see success, and find solutions from new ideas and motivations. Everyone needs help to define, work towards, and achieve their goals.

In order to achieve success and find solutions, every level of business ownership and management can benefit from a speaker who is passionate about bringing energy and information to your event!

Whether you are looking for a speaker to deliver a powerful message to a group of business owners or professionals, or someone to lead a workshop or presentation on a certain business topic, you can count on Julie Keyes to be fully engaged and deliver timely, actionable content with humor and authenticity.

Book Your Exit Planning Speaker

Keynote Speaker Presentation Topics Include:

“Exit Planning 101”

Exit Planning is a confusing and complicated subject for most business owners. So, HOW will you know where to begin? This session will offer an overview of the business exit planning process and key issues. Julie will also demonstrate why creating a timeline for your business transition process is the first crucial step. You’ll also leave with a clear understanding of why you’ll benefit from assembling a collaborative team of advisors rather than relying on just one person to supply all of the guidance you’ll need in the future.

“Assembling a Strong Team of Advisors”

Exit Planning is complicated and most professional exit planning advisors (even the ones you think you know best) don’t have the specific background or expertise to carry you through to a successful settlement. How do you choose your Exit Planning team and who do the players need to be? Who will coordinate all of this? Since most business owners only have ONE shot at getting a transition right, Julie will show you how to identify and hire the best business exit strategy consulting team for you. You’ll learn how to maximize your bottom line and not leave money on the table due to inadequate advice.

“Owner VS. Business Readiness”

Do you know what it means to “get ready” as an owner? And how is getting your business ready for exit different from getting yourself ready? Julie will help you understand the distinctions between these two types of “readiness” and explain why both are critical to a successful business exit strategy. You’ll also hear about market readiness and how it may not align with yours or your business’ readiness. You’ll learn about getting your own personal and financial house in order and creating a great Life-After-Business Plan. Maintaining a productive, fulfilling life is at the top of most sellers’ lists but many don’t have a plan for how they’ll achieve it. Julie will explain how “failing” an exit or retirement is possible, even if you have a well-run, cash-flowing company.

“Accelerating Value in your Business”

You probably feel your business is doing OK right now, but do you know how to go from “good” to “great”? Find out which factors will make or break building business value. If yours were put to auction on the open market among strategic buyers right now, how would it do? Hear about the biggest value drivers and learn how to apply them, so that you can secure the nest egg you’ve worked so hard to grow. Discover why implementing a growth strategy and keeping your foot on the gas is critical, even if you are in selling mode.

“Navigating Transition in a Family Business”

Many families avoid planning for transition because they don’t know how to cultivate the open and honest communication methods that are essential to a successful business transition planning process. If you’re worried about ruining Thanksgiving by bringing up the subject of transitioning the business, you’re well on your way to doing so already. Learn the process involved in family business succession planning, identify who the players are, uncover and resolve your communication challenges, and create a reasonable timeline for getting started.

Julie on the Mergers & Acquisitions Panel

“I have seen Julie in action as a speaker in several capacities and each time she has delivered great, actionable content. She spoke during our General Sessions and Breakout’s for our recent Owner’s Forum event and received excellent feedback on her delivery and topic knowledge. When you attend a talk or workshop delivered by Julie Keyes, you will always come away feeling empowered that you can tackle the challenges she addresses, because she gives you the tools and action items you need to get them done. I would highly recommend her speaking and consulting services for any business owner or professional adviser organization.” 
Nicki Vincent

ACG Minnesota


Business Owner Online Course: Start Your Business Transition Process