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Sales Process Minnesota

How the Sales Process has Changed

Conventional Sales Process has Changed for Small Business

Have you found that your previously successful sales process is not working? Are you experiencing dramatic changes in how your customers buy today? Is it difficult to motivate your sales people to keep making those connections? Has sales changed?

In working with sales organization of all sizes and industries, selling services and products — the answer is a resounding, YES, sales has changed. Sure, there are fundamentals that will remain timeless.

To stay stuck in your old models is the definition of insanity “doing the same thing and expecting a different result”. The answer to this question is one of the biggest challenges (and opportunities) facing leaders today. So, let’s unwrap 3 key elements that have changed:

  • Relationship selling is no longer enough – clients are looking for insights, ideas and innovations to drive their business!
    • In the past, the strongest relationships could create long-term sustainable revenues. Today, customers rely on their own research and education to build their objectives and therefore, are looking for true expertise from a sales professional. When you can make them say “wow, I hadn’t thought of that before”, then you have gained credibility with them and the opportunity to present your solution.


  • You must meet the buyer where they are in the sales process…not where YOU are!
    • The traditional pressures of “what have you sold today” drive organizations and sales professionals to devalue what they bring to the table. The focus is always on the close, the sales cycle and what’s in it for the business/individual sales person. This isn’t how the buyer makes their decisions though. This is a complete shift in looking at a customer centered sales approach to drive your process.


  • Interruptive sales and marketing techniques don’t work – they annoy your potential buyer!
    • People are overwhelmed with the amount of communication that comes their way today. How can they effectively sort through all of the messages coming at them to realize the potential opportunities that will impact their business? When you interrupt people, it annoys them. It annoys you when you are interrupted so why do we continue to focus on these old-style sales and marketing tactics? It’s time to connect and build community instead so that your prospects and customers value what you bring to them.


For those organizations and sales professionals that embrace the reality that how people buy today has changed and look for ways to align with this new reality, incredible success will be achieved.


Struggling with Sales Process?

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Picture of Julie Keyes
Julie Keyes

Founder & Owner at KeyeStrategies, LLC

Julie is a Certified Exit Planning Adviser and Value Growth Advisor with 30+ years of experience. She works with business owners who seek to understand and maximize their exit and critical transition options.