The History of Business Coaching
Coaching has probably existed as long as people have inhabited the earth. For centuries, the world’s athletes, painters and artists, even kings, rulers, and generals, have employed personal coaches to develop and enhance their performance. Coaching in sports is familiar to us all, and indeed business, executive and life skill coaching derive many principles from sports psychology.
In the 1960′s, especially in the United States, the sports coaching model began to be adopted by the business world. During the last thirty years or so further morphing occurred, and learning and development have become critical features of businesses and organizations. This has been further necessitated by the rapid changes in a global market. So simply put, coaching models based on the principles of psychology and education evolved to meet the changing needs of businesses and organizations worldwide. Even the casual observer will note that right now, coaching for small business owners, corporations, and public institutions is proliferating at an extraordinary rate.
Today coaching’s success is transforming people. Additionally, the concept has “taken on legs” and it has expanded to large corporations and become the well-accepted paradigm known as “executive coaching.” This is a proven way to help technical superstars become more effective in executive positions. And not surprisingly, due to the incredible successes that corporations found, coaching is now available to smaller businesses through what is commonly referred to as “business coaching.”
Return on Investment
As one might imagine, the results received by coaching clients have been very exciting. But more importantly, it has been proven in multiple independent studies, that coaching provides a more than ample “return on investment.”
As the profession moved into the small business market, there were a host of new challenges. The standard coaching model of focusing on personal development alone was far less effective for the small business owner. The reason was simple: because the business owner was the hub of every activity that was taking place within the company, they were faced with a wider variety of business challenges.
Conversely, however, they had fewer resources to overcome them. As a result of this evolution some of our clients have come to think of us as a personal physical trainer for their business. As a Value Growth Advisor, we do things differently at KeyeStrategies! As a Value Growth Advisor, KeyeStrategies combines the expertise of seasoned business valuators, M&A due diligence teams, and turnaround consultants, into one powerful toolset, providing a market-validated, scalable, and highly efficient process of maximizing a company’s long-term enterprise value. Gaining a broad and deep understanding of a client’s business has never been easier, and generating a detailed roadmap to enhance client growth and profitability potential is now at the advisor’s fingertips. We maximize the value of your business and give you resources to most effectively combine every aspect of your business.
Do Business Coaching Differently.
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