Advisors Learn How to Integrate Exit Planning Services Today!

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Exit Planning and an Estate Plan – Living Versus Not Dying

A number of business owners have commented that they don’t need an Exit Plan because they already have an estate plan.

Others have said that they don’t need an Exit Plan because they are covered by their Buy-Sell Agreement. I admit that part of Exit Planning does deal with what happens if or when you die—called Contingency Planning or creating an Emergency Exit Plan. This is different that an estate plan, most certainly! Contingency Planning deals with what happens to you and your business if you “get hit by a bus tomorrow.”

What is not usually understood about business Exit Planning is that the largest part of the planning process deals with what happens if you don’t die. If you continue living, both your Buy-Sell Agreement and your Estate Plan are useless. You need an Exit Plan to deal with the eventuality of living a long and successful life.

At some point you may to want to start to enjoy the fruits of your years of hard work. You may need to convert some of the equity in your business to support your retirement needs. For most owners, your business is an illiquid asset. How will you access the cash that is locked in the business?

You also need to plan for the time when you may not able to effectively manage the business. Did you know that 40% of all people, including business owners, retire early for medical reasons? It can happen to any one of us. How would you cope with that kind of situation? Do you have a second-tier management team ready to fill your boots if something happens? Don’t delay Exit Planning because you don’t think you need to do it now. Life’s realities indicate that you do.


Let us know if KeyeStrategies cam Clarify an Exit Plan Versus an Estate Plan for YOU.

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Picture of Julie Keyes
Julie Keyes

Founder & Owner at KeyeStrategies, LLC

Julie is a Certified Exit Planning Adviser and Value Growth Advisor with 30+ years of experience. She works with business owners who seek to understand and maximize their exit and critical transition options.