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Business Vision Minnesota

Building a Consistent Business Vision

Consistent Business Vision is a challenge as the “honeymoon” period with your venture wears off.

Many small business owners start with such passion, they’re hard-working, but after a few challenges and disappointment, they begin to lose sight of their business vision.  The long hours become shorter and filled with distractions.  The business starts to peter out. In order to prevent this from happening to you, it is essential to keep your vision alive.

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word ‘vision’ has upwards of ten definitions. Despite all these different meanings, the various usages all center around the act of seeing something. This is why vision, in it’s most common usage, is simply defined as “the act or power of seeing.”

But take a look at the other definitions. Vision can also be described as “something seen in a dream.” Dreams are where our lives mix and mingle with the absurd and the nonsensical. Just how many genius ideas were once dismissed as illogical, improbable, or both? A business vision invokes both of these definitions. A vision is an evolving dream of your own making. At first, you’re the only person who can see your vision. When you convince others to share this dream inside of your head, a business vision is born. Merriam-Webster, we have a new definition:

The most important step in keeping your vision alive is to start with a clear vision in the first place. If you haven’t already, try sitting down and writing a clear vision statement, for your business and yourself. Think about why you started your business, and what you hope to achieve. But while it’s important to have a vision statement, you have to keep it in mind if you’re going to actually achieve it. Having an idea of what you want doesn’t really matter if you throw it in a drawer and only think about it once every six months. Post it somewhere in your office or have it written down where you will see it regularly.

Even better than having the words posted is to have a “vision” of it posted. You’ve heard “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Why not use this to your advantage? Find pictures that make you think of what you want and what your goals are in life, and post them in places you’ll see. If may be posters around your office or even just your computer desktop. They’ll serve as a constant reminder of what you’re working for.

To keep your vision going, it’s vital that your work reflects your vision. Sure, you’re not always going to be able to choose who you work with, but you can still try to make business contacts who have similar vision and beliefs as you. These people will help you stick to what you want and become successful.

It’s a generally accepted fact that if you’re surrounded by negative people, you’ll probably start thinking negatively eventually. To help keep your business vision consistent, surround yourself not only with positive people, but with those that share your vision, or a similar one. They will help keep you on track when you get discouraged.

If you’re having trouble focusing on your business vision, maybe it’s not you that needs help, maybe it’s just your vision. You won’t be the person you were when you opened your business, so why is your vision statement the same? You’ve learned so much over the course of your entrepreneurial journey that altering the vision statement for your business shouldn’t come as a suprise.. Just be sure not to do it too often, or you’ll find yourself going from focus to focus without actually accomplishing anything. What’s most important is not to lose faith in yourself and your business. Great business professionals learn from their failures, seek them, and capitalize on them to leverage their success!

Business vision takes consistency. Let us help you find it!

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Picture of Julie Keyes
Julie Keyes

Founder & Owner at KeyeStrategies, LLC

Julie is a Certified Exit Planning Adviser and Value Growth Advisor with 30+ years of experience. She works with business owners who seek to understand and maximize their exit and critical transition options.