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Podcast 90 – Launching the 2nd Edition of Poised for Exit!

In this episode, Julie was interviewed by her producer, Bob Sansevere and announced the launch of the 2nd edition of “Poised for Exit“!

So much has happened since the book first came out in May of 2020! In the 2nd Edition there are new legal resources for business owners from the Best & Flanagan Law Firm and Dunlap Seeger. Both firms will be featured guests on the show in upcoming episodes and will talk about their collaborative work with Julie and her book. Sunbelt Business Advisers remains as a very important supporter of the book and the show, and whose resource in the 1st and 2nd Edition has been a popular download. 

Bob asked Julie why the book's subtitle is focused on women entrepreneurs and she said that was a decision she made a few years ago after doing much research on whether there were any exit planning or business planning books available for women owners; she found none, so she decided to write one herself. There are over 10 million women-owned businesses in the US right now who generate $1.8 Trillion in annual revenue and employ over 10 million people, yet most advisory firms simply dismiss this demographic as a viable target market, which is really unbelievable. The book itself is actually read by more men than women, and it's important to know that the process of exit planning is the same regardless of gender. But the book is written from a female's perspective and does touch on nuances that are different for women than men; intangible but very real differences

Another key purpose for writing the book is that Julie had gone through her own exit many years ago, and she wanted to write about that experience in the hope it would help other owners have a more positive exit outcome. She also writes about the stories of other owners she's consulted for over the years; the good outcomes and the not so good. 

Julie wishes to thank her past and current sponsors of the show and book as well as her insightful guests who provide the relevant content the show has become known for! 

Listen to the fun interview now.

Thank you to this month's podcast sponsors: Sunbelt Business Advisors

A note from Julie:
I want to say a big thank you to the podcast and book sponsors, along with all of the significant people who made Poised for Exit possible:
Dunlap Seeger Attorneys at Law; David Pederson, Sunbelt Business Advisers; Chris Jones, Erica Gilson, Best & Flanagan; Josh Bobich and Allison Mertins, Indie Books International; Devin Devries and Henry Devries, Bob Sansevere, Heather Keyes, JAK + Co. CPA's; Kim Elm and  Kyla Hanson, Village Bank; Aleesha Webb, Baker Tilly; Anne Simons and Russell Fleming.

And of course a big thank you to all those who have read my book and support Poised for Exit!

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Picture of Julie Keyes
Julie Keyes

Founder & Owner at KeyeStrategies, LLC

Julie is a Certified Exit Planning Adviser and Value Growth Advisor with 30+ years of experience. She works with business owners who seek to understand and maximize their exit and critical transition options.

Thank you to our Poised for Exit Sponsors!