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Leader Boss Minneapolis

A Leader Or A Boss?

It has been said that good leaders spend 80% of their people time with their top 20%, because they know the importance of developing the best to be even better.  Some people think that being a boss implies being a leader but that is not always the case.  While some who act as “boss” can also possess leadership skills, many do not. Workers will follow a non-leading boss because they have to, not because they want to. Those who follow leaders, do so because they want to.

But if this kind of boss could be turned into a true leader, what would that look like? What impact would it have on your business if you employed managers who could lead and develop your staff to propel growth and success for your company? Let’s look at the definition of good leadership.

Good leaders don’t do the work, they develop others to do the work.  They also develop future leaders, because they can anticipate when a growing company will require more of them.

A good leader loves people and wants their success. A leader knows how to empower employees to make good choices. They know how to delegate and hand off authority, believing that they can trust the person they’ve delegated.  Solid relationships with employees are vital in order for a leader to gain trust and respect.

Being a strong leader also means being an effective communicator. Good communication requires authentic and focused listening more than “telling” or talking.

A good leader shares some of the goals and strategies of the company with their team. Let your staff know what you’re trying to accomplish and empower them to take part in specific projects relevant to their skills and experience.

Accountability is as necessary for leaders as it is for employees.  Your word as a leader is your bond.  Providing examples of “how to lead” is more powerful than you think.  Have a policy for employee recognition.  Likewise, retaining one who underperforms will hold the company back and lowers the bar for the rest, almost giving them permission to do the same.

People respond to leaders who walk with their team.  A “boss” who tends to crack the whip will only get minimal results; no one likes a dictator. If your organization has a top-down, authoritarian approach to management, consider looking at it from a different angle. Maybe it’s time for a change…


Become a Better Leader.

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Picture of Julie Keyes
Julie Keyes

Founder & Owner at KeyeStrategies, LLC

Julie is a Certified Exit Planning Adviser and Value Growth Advisor with 30+ years of experience. She works with business owners who seek to understand and maximize their exit and critical transition options.